Do you have clothes in your closet that you keep telling yourself you “might wear one day”? Do you hate repeating outfits? Do you simply have too much? Letting go of the clutter and making MONEY while doing it, makes “letting go” a whole lot easier. Here are my tips & tricks on how I “let go” of my stuff on Poshmark. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Instagram.
My Poshmark Closet incase you want to get ideas or shop 🙂
- Download and sign up for Poshmark if you haven’t already.
- Go through your clothes, put anything you WOULD NOT purchase if you were shopping right now, into the “Posh Pile” (designer or not- I’ve sold things from Forever 21).
- Post Pictures and descriptions of your items for sale (the more, the merrier. pictures of tags, material made of, etc). ALSO, it’s easier to take pictures on the app itself versus on your phones camera…otherwise you may have to crop too much of your pictures (I learned this the hard way).
- Become a Posh Ambassador. This will take time but I promise it is worth it. More people will see & buy your listings. I spent many football Sundays scrolling and sharing to reach the Posh Ambassador status. Once you become a Posh Ambassador, you receive thousands of followers. I’m currently at 35,918 followers and still continue to get new followers Every. Single. Day. (I’ve updated that number twice while writing this!)
- Share your listings to “Parties” & share your listings as often as possible.
- If someone likes your listing, offer a price drop. I often list my items at a higher price point, so I can drop the price when someone likes it and make the sale. I also accept most offers (it’s getting donated if I don’t sell it!)
- Ship your items as soon as you can. People appreciate this, and you get a higher rating. I try to ship 1-2 days after someone purchases an item.
- USPS has FREE boxes for Poshmark users. You can order these ahead of time on the USPS website or pick up at your local USPS. I also reuse any amazon boxes I have.
That pretty much sums it up! I’ve currently made over $3,000.00 through poshmark. It’s not 6 figures, but it’s more than I’d get from any resale shops. I’ve brought clothes & shoes to both Buffalo Exchange & Crossroads (in Chicago). Can you guess how much they wanted to give me for a pair of brand new converse? A big total of $4.00. Can you guess much I sold that exact pair for on Poshmark? $20.00. My take home pay was $16.00. That’s 4 times what the resale shops wanted to give me. Quite the difference.
*The video below shows where to go to become a Poshmark Ambassador.
*The photos below shows my Poshmark Profile & Poshmark Ambassador Activity Stats.