Last summer, I walked into my friend’s boutique, after not seeing her for a few months, and noticed her hair had gotten SO LONG, like 6 inches long. I immediately asked what she had been doing, because it wasn’t like I hadn’t seen her in a year, it had only been maybe 3-4 months max.
Loving my enthusiasm, she graciously shared her secret with me. One of her “healthy” friends got her into Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, let me break it down for you. According to, this stuff promises to “put a boost in your scoop” by supporting healthy hair, nails, skin and joints. Now let me tell you from firsthand experience, it lives up to that promise.
After my friend told me what this magic hair growth product was called, I immediately amazon primed it. Now let me be honest, my first time using Vital Proteins was not the best. The powder does not mix well with just a spoon. It was clumpy and I did not enjoy the consistency as I made myself swallow the protein clumped powder and water mixture.
Grossed out, but not wanting to give up my journey to long luscious hair, I did a little research and decided I’d try using a blender bottle and juice. This was the perfect solution, allowing me to begin taking Vital Proteins daily without disgust.
I know some of you may be thinking, juice??? Isn’t that tons of sugar??? I know, I know. I do want to throw out there that I started with a small amount (3/4-1 cup) of either apple, orange or cranberry juice and then 2 cups of water to mix with the Vital Proteins.
I quickly ditched the sugary juices for fresh, raw, cold pressed, juices from whole foods. A few months ago, I even upgraded from buying $10 juices 7X a week to my very own juicer for $100. My favorite juices are heavy in the greens department (give me ALL the veggies). Sometimes, I even do straight up celery juice (not delicious but if you chug it quickly it’s not that bad).
After about 3 months, I really began to notice the length of my hair go from “past my shoulders” to “at my elbows”. All my friends and family began to notice and sure enough, I shared my little secret of Vital Proteins. I now had “Influencer Status Hair,” you know how most Influencers have long, luscious locks (sometimes from extensions), well that was now me, but “au natural”.
Besides taking Vital Proteins on the daily, there are a few other things I did that I believe helped contribute to my hair growth…
- I did not cut my hair for 10 months (started this 5 months prior to Vital Proteins when another friend told me she hadn’t cut her hair in a year to grow some length).
- I let my hair breath at least 3/4 of the month. Meaning: I do not blow dry, straighten, curl my hair every single day. Instead, I typically wear my hair natural 5-6 days a week (depending on the week). When I do style my hair, I make it last 3-4 days. Less heat damage & washing = Happy Hair.
- I ACTUALLY took Vital Protein Collagen Peptides daily. Consistency is key in seeing change. Many of my friends have complained to me that they aren’t getting the results I have gotten. Come to find out, they are NOT CONSISTENT. You cannot take Vital Protein Collagen Powder once this week, twice next week, and zero times the week after, expecting your hair to grow 6 inches in 3 months time. Develop your routine, and stick with it.
Now that my hair is exactly the length I want it to be, I DO NOT take Vital Proteins consistently. My hair grows too quickly when I take it religiously, so NOW I take it randomly.
*Below are before and after pictures both with my naturally curly and styled hair.

Here are the links to everything I use!